Myklagaard Hounddogs
Race: |
Norse |
Coach: |
The Ref |
As any respectable vikings the Hounddogs loves women, gold and a good fight. They've found that they get all this from playing the game of Blood Bowl. The women go crazy for theese rough players from the north, and the gold keep pooring in. Best of all, they never run out of oppurtunities to bash in other players skulls! With this in mind, Myklagaard Hounddogs look forward to many years in the AnBBL. |
Bulletin board from the coach |
Mar. 6th, 2017 - old news |
Champions Exit Dissapointingly little cash was left in our treasury, despite having played blood bowl in the AnBBL for 10 years, when we went to the AnBBL administration to register for another season. After a downtime period, beeing busy preparing fields for da Keffo Kup, the team is back to play a Champions Cup game in the first sub finals against the Cloaken Runbutters (winners of the Buzz Violence Cup way back in Season VII, in wich the rats won 5-1 against us).
To cut expenses a couple players were sent packin', but most of the players were signed on for another season in the Myklagaard Hounddogs.
The roster reduction and lack of team training proved to be decisive in tonights Champions Cup game against Cloaken Runbutters though, not beeing able to field 11 players throughout the game. This caused a mishap in the defence, at 2-1 in our favour, allowing the sneaky rats to sneak in a second TD up the middle with a really fast rat for a one turn TD, and a third TD unsurpassed as Arve Farsinfore and Ingvar Blodfot double teamed a gutter runner on one side, expecting Hundólfr Elkshunner to safeguard the other side..
Hence the best team in the AnBBL were knocked out by a cunning ansamble of rats, after a 2-3 loss. |
- The Ref |
Nov. 16th, 2011 - old news |
A loss - and a win "Our last game was a loss, technically with them touchdown thingies. But for us it was a win, finally putting Fenrir Bark  out of it's missery, with a little help from Zara the Slayer." - Olav Hurle .
This statement is the first one released after the amazing streak of "26 matches undefeated" was broken by Horrid SkinEaters.
"The referees refused to put me on the field because I had a minor injury... I could have played, and that would have kept the streak groving. Whatever, we'll just have to start building a new streak then." - Hafgrim Ulvetryne |
- The Ref |
July 18th, 2011 - old news |
New Records Myklagaard Hounddogs ties again, almost winning the match that could have been as easily lost, at Fourteen Nun Blondes - Myklagaard Hounddogs (Semi Pro X, Semi Pro).
This adds to the longest UNDEFEATED streak, now a staggering 26 matches in a row without a loss!
"Give me a
S.laughter! C.hampions! U.ndefeated! M.adness! B.ashing! A.mazing! G.odlike! S.teady Going!
Whoop whoop"
- Myklagaard Hounddogs cheerleaders leading the crowd in cheerful cheers. |
- The Ref |
Aug. 20th, 2010 - old news |
S for Steady Going! Streak Breaker, my ass!
Our streak is still going strong.
We are the S.C.U.M.B.A.G.S. |
- The Ref |

 The apothecary and assistant coach.
Latest matches:
Semi Pro XXI, Hjemmekamp |
4 |
Touchdown Troupe |
0 |
Solhellinga Ronin's |
Semi Pro XXI, Hjemmekamp |
1 |
Hamar Jurassic Pork |
0 |
Thelma's Tribe |
Semi Pro XXI, MLBB #2 |
3 |
Wandering Village |
2 |
Restinplacements |
Semi Pro XXI, Søndagsball |
2 |
Howling Banshees |
2 |
Koigen-Kameratene |
Semi Pro XXI, Bibliotek kamp |
0 |
Onlyfangs |
2 |
Touchdown Troupe |
Semi Pro XXI, Søndagsball |
1 |
Howling Banshees |
1 |
Changers of Games |
Semi Pro XXI, Bibliotek |
2 |
Thelma's Tribe |
1 |
Wacking Kraken Bu... |
Semi Pro XXI, MLBB #1 |
4 |
JJ1 Gnomerunners |
2 |
Restinplacements |
Season XIV, SC Round 2 |
0 |
Bad Moonshine Bra... |
1 |
Semi Pro XXI, Søndagsball#2 |
2 |
Wacking Kraken Bu... |
1 |
Furnesdvergene |
Season XIV, SC Round 3 |
2 |
Hamar Jurassic Pork |
2 |
Bad Moonshine Bra... |
Semi Pro XXI, Drunken stupor |
0 |
Hozens Chosen |
5 |
Bad Moonshine Bra... |
Semi Pro XXI, Terningkast 7 |
1 |
Old School Cool |
3 |
Touchdown Troupe |
Semi Pro XXI, Brumundal |
2 |
Ratling Runners |
2 |
Furnesdvergene |