Flush Gurdles

Race:  Nurgle
Coach:  Capshaw
It may be a strange choice of team for Capshaw to invest his coach abilities in. But with all the chaos in the world, he thought he would bring some order into the Nurgle. That's why he "invested" in Flush Gurdles. Truth be speaking, he actually hijacked a 'Great Unclean One' named Scabeiathrax, and with his great and powerful Liche magic subdued him into service as the main, but assistant coach, of Flush Gurdles.

Flush Gurdles team badge
Bulletin board from the coach


Tournaments played:
Season VII, Season VIII, Semi Pro X, Keffo Kup X, Semi Pro XI, Semi Pro XII, Keffo Kup XIV, Semi Pro XIV
Playing in:
Champions Cup
Trophies won:
da Golden Keffo Orc: Keffo Kup X, Keffo Kup XIV


AnBBL Champions
NC Champions
SC Champions
RookieOfTheYear XXI
Keffo Kup 18
Nellie's Golden Juggs
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