Norsk Rakfolkfestival

Race:  Necromantic Horror
Coach:  Kyrre

Norsk Rakfolkfestival team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
Apr. 20th, 2017 - old news
Celebrating Biggus Dickus
Biggus Dickus join Norsk Rakfolkfestival. Being a former football player he should be a fine addition to our team. Biggus Dickus will replace Bjarne Brønnpisser as #2 on the roster.

In a comment to our fans mr D stutter. "Biiiig-lyyyh (......) haaands".
- kyrre
Apr. 13th, 2017 - old news
Tenn wanted. Hot or cold.
tenn v2 is wanted in red and back. However we have been unable to entice the greenskin to join our ranks. If you are of the persuasive type we present you the opportunity to earn up to 40,000 gold for your service.

Body temperature at you discretion.

Any serial killers of Rookie otyl xvii need not apply.
- kyrre
Feb. 9th, 2017 - old news
Starting lineup complete
Norsk Rakfolkfestival is happy to announce that the lineup for 2017 is complete. On this years menu there you will choose between 1 strong rakfolk and 12 slow rakfolk.

Now we will patiently await the first opponent brave enough to face our festival of rotten people and strong spirit.

The gauntlet has been thrown.
- kyrre
Tournaments played:
Semi Pro XIII, Semi Pro XIV, Semi Pro XVI, Semi Pro XVIV
Trophies won:

AnBBL Champions
NC Champions
SC Champions
RookieOfTheYear XXI
Keffo Kup 18
Nellie's Golden Juggs
League Administrators

Latest matches:
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