Lizard Twinks

Race:  Lizardmen
Coach:  Kaufer

Lizard Twinks team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
May 31st, 2023 - old news
Co-Coach quit!
The Ref has coached a couple matches, vs Grini Grinders and vs Ghrond Green Goblins, with this fantastic team, but quits after bringing them to the playoffs.

The Ref manage to quit just seconds before Oslo Blood Bowl League management announce that teams with same headcoach as another team may be disqualified from the playoffs.

Or does he?
- The Ref
Tournaments played:
OsloBBL s04
Trophies won:

AnBBL Champions
NC Champions
SC Champions
RookieOfTheYear XXI
Keffo Kup 18
Nellie's Golden Juggs
League Administrators

Latest bulletins:
Latest matches:
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