Halvulf Aasgaard

Halvulf AasgaardHall of FameBounty of 240 kgp
Halfling Catcher,
Løiten Liniemænd

   Draft List number: 9  

Value: 215,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Deflections: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 48 Record!
Casualties: 3
MVP awards: 6
Unspent SPP: 26 (174)
Fouls: 3
Compl. seasons: 1
MVP Offence: Semi Pro XVIII, Nellie C-Cup
AnBBL Legend: Nellie C-Cup







7 2 1+ 5+ 7+ Catch, Dodge, Right Stuff, Sprint, Stunty, Side Step, Sure Feet, +AG, +AG, +MA, +MA, Fan Favourite

Sustained Injuries: none

Plays for Løiten Liniemænd with number 9.

MVP OFFENCE: Awarded the MVP Offence in Nellie C-Cup. This summoned an addition of 100 000gp to his bounty, origins unknown (1 extra MVP).

MVP OFFENCE: Awarded the MVP Offence in Semi Pro XVIV. This summoned an addition of 100 000gp to his bounty, origins unknown (1 extra MVP).
Niggling healed after 1 completed season(s)
Niggling healed after 1 completed season(s)
There is a bounty of Bounty240 000 gp on this player's head.
This player is the league's nr.top scorer top scorer

Hall of Fame HoF - Awarded into the Hall of Fame during/after Nellie C-Cup
A halfling beeing the AnBBL top scorer, a superb achievement no doubt involving many spectacular match in-flight moments, is the only reason we need to enter Halvulf Aasgaard into the AnBBL HoF! Beeing the AnBBL MVP Offence in two separate tournaments only adds to the extraordinarity of this player.

Entered into Hall of Fame after performance in Nellie's C-Cup

AnBBL Champions
NC Champions
SC Champions
RookieOfTheYear XXI
Keffo Kup 18
Nellie's Golden Juggs
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