Der Rattenführer

Der RattenführerBounty of 70 kgp
Gutter Runner,
Ratten Kameraten

   Draft List number: 7  

Value: 185,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Deflections: 0
Completions: 7
Touchdowns: 20
Casualties: 2  (1 was a kill!)
MVP awards: 3
Unspent SPP: 21 (83)
Fouls: 0
Compl. seasons: 1





9 2 2+ 4+ 7+ Dodge, Block, Leap, Strip Ball, Dauntless, Wrestle, ?

Sustained Injuries: -AV

Plays for Ratten Kameraten with number 7.

FINED: 30.000gp in season IV
There is a bounty of Bounty70 000 gp on this player's head.

Der Rattenführer originally was a succesfull Globadier in the Black Chasm hive, but all the gas proved to be unhealthy even for him who had to throw those poisonous globes. Sacked from the Army he saw the agitated Hannibal Hector speak in a beer hall in Munch Hive, and decided to sign up on the team. Hannibal is almost always short of players, so this was only a pleasent surprise for Him, even if Der Rattenführer were a short, lean and hungry looking rat.

Der Rattenführer wishes he was the teams thrower, but he´s to small for this important task. After his comrade Jabo Schreck joined Ratten Kameraten and instantly got a role as reserve thrower on the team, his chances are thin. Even Willy Vånd and Jorge Jordrotte have made more passes than him, so he is 4. reserve for the thrower position on the team. But then again; the team consists of weak and fragile skavens playing an extremely brutal and rough sport, so anything is possible...

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