Old Bulletins

Old bulletin board
Nov. 23rd, 2008
Ös wånts to meat
Wooden Halftree næw. Most imprezzif whåt they haz achieved in ze Zeries lætely! They iz zåmfing to lukk öpp får tu åll ös Stöntiez.
- Hannibal Hector
Sep. 23rd, 2008
Thiz iz Fön!
Thiz sport iz not zo brutal az us thaught. Everybody on Snötheads zurvived, and us even killed Steelhorn!

Bob, Otto and Billy Idol waz a bit hurted, but nothing zerious.
- Hannibal Hector
Race:  Ogre
Coach:  Hannibal Hector
co-coach:  Kyrre

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