Match result

Season VI, Semi Pro
Team badge
Ratten Kameraten

gate: 31 000
4 TD score 1
cas score
Team badge
Bordellaux Broncos


profile Der Rattenführer Bounty (70000 gp)
profile Lothar von Rinnstein Bounty (20000 gp)
profile Willy Vånd Bounty (270000 gp) retired
profile Manfred von Rinnstein retired
TD Scorers
Zûriel Mightyhand
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

profile Rattus Norvegicus Bounty (100000 gp)
profile Reinhard Rattus
Badly Hurt'ers

profile Rattus Norvegicus Bounty (100000 gp)

mercenary / fans / random event

profile Vetle Werfer Bounty (20000 gp)
profile Vetle Werfer Bounty (20000 gp)
profile Der Rattenführer Bounty (70000 gp)
profile Willy Vånd Bounty (270000 gp) retired
Completions by
Eldrich Moonstealer
Zûriel Mightyhand
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

profile Halvgrim Prolaps Bounty (20000 gp)
MVP awards to
Glorin Shaitlurien
Sustained Injuries

victim healed by apoth
-1 AG
-1 ST
victim healed by apoth
Result added November 9th, 2008

Match notes
The elves start to receive, and Zûriel Mightyhand makes an effortless T.D. in turn 2. 1-0 to the elves. They set up, but has a perfect defense. Despite this all four gutter runners penetrate the Elven defense lines while Vetle Werfer lurks in the rats backfield with the ball. It is impossible to prperly mark four runners, and Der Rattenführer is only marked by one Elf. He is easely blitzed free and receives a short pass from pi(312), ezualling the score to 1-1. In turn 6 Willy Vånd botches a simple 2+ dodge. The result is a broken neck! Luckily the apo has seen much worse damages than this working for Ratten Kameraten, so he succeeds in healing the Superstar. In turn 7 Lothar von Rinnstein runs deep into the elven lines with the ball. Elihirn Swampcomet has to go for it twice to tackle him, but stumbles, thus ending the first half 2-1 iin favour of the Rats.

In turn four in the 2nd half Der Rattenführer makes a long bomb to Willy Vånd after Eldrich Moonstealer failed to pick up the ball. The Rats increase their lead to 3-1. In T5 Eldrich Moonstealer once again fails to pick up the ball, and Willy Vånd gets hold of it. Maradriel Gaylord tries to blitz him, but is hindered by his hideous presense. The Elves flock around him, however, but he resolves the situation by throwing a quick pass to Manfred von Rinnstein, and he scores the Rats fourth T.D. for the evening. The fans are angered by this, and the next two turns are lost, denying Bordellaux Broncos the oppurtunity to reduce the score.

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