Match result

Team badge
Ballistic Angels

gate: 30 000
0 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
BATtling Cobras

TD Scorers
profile Blodberg von Cryptchant Bounty (100000 gp) dead
Yaw B. Uster dead
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Haluelie von Coldcurse Bounty (130000 gp)
Ianus von Fogspirit

mercenary / fans / random event
Gary Notzotouff

profile Busbyr Bounty (70000 gp)
profile Busbyr Bounty (70000 gp)
profile Busbyr Bounty (70000 gp)
profile Busbyr Bounty (70000 gp)
profile Busbyr Bounty (70000 gp)
Completions by
profile Sara von Coffinclouder
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

MVP awards to
Vacu Mary-Charlot Leaner
Sustained Injuries

profile Alfarinn Bounty (40000 gp)
Niggling Injury

Njord Bounty (30000 gp) dead
Result added October 6th, 2008

Match notes
Ballistic Angels fields SIX journeymen this game, due to the previous game against da Sneaky Runtz. This leaves them with inducements worth 980.000gp, spent on a team training, one wizard, two bloodweiser babes, a wandering apothecary, Sara the Slayer and Wilhelm Chaney.

Wilhelm Chaney is blocked and badly hurt in the first turn, BATtling Cobras receiving the ball on kickoff - his skills never helping Ballistic Angels.

Gary Notzotouff killed Njord for the 30.000gp bounty, as Njord double skulled when blocking him!

Busbyr proves his skills as the Ballistic Angels' quarterback, compleeting 5 passes - but miss an early first half 1-1 opportunity as he fumbles a long pass to the waiting lineman. Busbyr also survives several attempts on his life.

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