Blodberg von Cryptchant

Blodberg von CryptchantBounty of 100 kgpdead
Vampire Blitzer,
BATtling Cobras


Interceptions: 0
Deflections: 0
Completions: 12
Touchdowns: 18
Casualties: 0
MVP awards: 5
Unspent SPP: 0 (86)
Fouls: 0
Compl. seasons: 4
MVP Offence: Season VI






8 4 2+ 5+ 9+ Bloodlust (3+), Hypnotic Gaze, Juggernaut, Regenerate, Block, +MA, Dodge, +MA, Side Step, Fan Favourite

Sustained Injuries:  DEATH!

Was killed in the match BATtling Cobras - Slick Defenders (Semi Pro IX, Semi Pro)
and Slick Defenders took the 100 000 gp bounty.
MVP OFFENCE: Awarded the MVP Offence in season VI summoned an addition of 100 000gp to his bounty, origins unknown (1 extra MVP).

Beeing Zanirik von Cryptchants creation (from a bite 6 centuries ago), Blodberg is even stronger than his "brother in teeth".

Blodberg first got interrested in Blood Bowl when Zanirik von Cryptchant got releaved from his eternal thirstyness (by dying in one of them games) hoping he would share the same fate. After first practice though, Blodberg liked the game so much he's hoping the destiny will not get to him until another 6 centuries have passed.

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