Match result

Season V, round 2
Team badge
Lucky 13

gate: 30 000
0 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Myklagaard Hounddogs

TD Scorers
Hjardar Imsylling Bounty (20000 gp) retired
Olav Hurle retired
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off
Badly Hurt'ers
Ulfeki Gharn Namakh Bounty (30000 gp)
Bøørf Bounty (40000 gp)
Ulfeki Gharn Namakh Bounty (30000 gp)

Hafgrim Ulvetryne Bounty (30000 gp)
Ulfeki Gharn Namakh Bounty (30000 gp)
mercenary / fans / random event

profile Exactus
profile Exactus
Completions by
profile Mjølner Hardiskallen Slage retired
Olav Hurle retired
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

profile Inruere Bounty (30000 gp)
MVP awards to
Hjardar Imsylling Bounty (20000 gp) retired
Sustained Injuries

profile Obstare retired
profile Currere
profile Bellum
Miss Next Game

victim healed by apoth
Result added March 18th, 2008

Match notes
The weather is nice as Myklagaard Hounddogs goes viking to the area around the lairs of Lucky 13. Their intake of strange mushroms before the game makes them halousinate - seeing only human players instead of the skaven ones.

Myklagaard Hounddogs wins cointoss, and kicks the ball first. A RIOT breakes out as the home fans says the cointoss was fixed! The turmoils make the referee shave off the first 3 rounds of the half, making the first kick happen in turn 4.

The mushroms clearly has an effect on the Myklagaard Hounddogs, making them go berserk - recovering the ball and scoring the first TD in turn 6 on a TD pass from Mjølner Hardiskallen Slage to Hjardar Imsylling. By this time the first three casualties is already a fact, Obstare beeing the first victim.

In second half, a little fuzz from the fans again. A rock is thrown, knocking Tormentis Verberare unconscious.

After a long fight, Torolf Vinghild is pushed out of bounds, into the crowd, and Olav Hurle then sees no other option but to run it in himself. 2-0 becomes the final score.

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