Match result

Season IV, Semi Pro
Team badge
Hooves of Hashut

gate: 38 000
1 TD score 1
cas score
Team badge
Myklagaard Hounddogs


TD Scorers
Himing Hullrundi Bounty (20000 gp) retired
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

Marduk Firemane Bounty (100000 gp) dead
Nabonidus Bounty (20000 gp)
Badly Hurt'ers
Hafgrim Ulvetryne Bounty (30000 gp)


Hjardar Imsylling Bounty (20000 gp) retired

Completions by
Himing Hullrundi Bounty (20000 gp) retired
TTM Completions by

Interceptions by
Deflections by

Cambyses II retired
MVP awards to
Arve Farsinfore
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game
profile Halfrald Bashmaker dead
-1 MA
Hjardar Imsylling Bounty (20000 gp) retired

victim healed by apoth
-1 AG
Result added November 24th, 2007

Match notes
Bøørf does it again. A first turn blitz - and the result? Double skullz! (well skull and both down, but thats double skullz for Bøørf) Should think The Ref would know better by know...

Kicking in first half, the Myklagaard Hounddogs defence prooved strong again, scoring the first TD for a 1-0 lead. The score is the same by halftime.

The second half is exiting with cunning moves from both teams. First Ammiditana dodge into a crowd and picks up the ball, and dodge further out in the open close to the endzone. Then Hjardar Imsylling blitz him once, and with dauntless he gets the one dice roll - KAPOW! then on Hooves of Hashut' turn, they get the ball back only two squares from the EZ. On the next play, Hjardar Imsylling again goes for the blitz (as he is the only deep defender left). KAPOW again, this time for a broken neck, but Ammiditana is healed by the apothecary. Hjardar Imsylling gets the ball and runs it back towards the LOS. However, the pass is intercepted by Abieshuh. Well to sum it up - a lot of amazing plays this drive! Even Hafgrim Ulvetryne caught a pass.

In the last turn Djenghis got the ball into the endzone, after only one rerolled GFI, standing. 1 - 1.

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