Matches with fouls by
Nellie C-Cup |
Opponent |
TD score |
cas score (kills) |
gate |
Søndagsball#6 |
The Great Green Alloy Emporium |
4 - 1 |
0 - 4 (0-0) |
9 000 |
Semi Pro XVIII |
Opponent |
TD score |
cas score (kills) |
gate |
round 13 |
Howling Banshees |
2 - 3 |
6 - 7 (0-1) |
14 000 |
Semi Pro XVI |
Opponent |
TD score |
cas score (kills) |
gate |
Nellie søndag round 2 |
Blood Eagles |
1 - 2 |
7 - 6 (1-2) |
31 000 |