Result of Season XII

  Team trophy    Winner Race
& coach
  AnBBLChampionsTrophy   Kvaløya Krøshers  Orc
  AnBBL Silver   Motbydelig Horde 1994  Chaos Dwarf
  NC Champions   Kvaløya Krøshers  Orc
  NC Silver   Bowl Brothers  Ogre
The Ref
  SC Champions   Motbydelig Horde 1994  Chaos Dwarf
  SC Silver   Ratten Kameraten  Skaven
Hannibal Hector

  Player prize    Winner Type
& team
  MVP Offence     Tuu Bounty (230000 gp) Orc Blitzer
Kvaløya Krøshers
  MVP Defence     George mcBrewski Bounty (120000 gp) Human Blitzer
Bardu Bengals
  MVP Defence     Sevven Bounty (100000 gp) Orc Lineman
Kvaløya Krøshers
  MVP Defence     Tuu Bounty (230000 gp) Orc Blitzer
Kvaløya Krøshers

Season XII are finished, congrats to the winners and to the Season XII MVPs!

Tuu managed to do best this season, both on offence and defence, what a player!

Two other players tied for the defence MVP award, congrats to the bone crushing George mcBrewski and the savage Sevven

The AnBBL Champions' Final was decided by cointoss
As both teams failed to show up for the Elite Season XII AnBBL Champions' Final, their fans invade the playing field, fighting each other in anger. This results in a blood bath, both teams loosing a lot of their fans to violence, hidden weapons, traps and pits, specially designed to make the twelfth AnBBL Champions' Final to be the bloodiest and most entertaining match to spectate the AnBBL history. Instead, now the spectators got to be part of the action.

The Match was later secretly determined by the referees tossing a coin in their wardrobes, getting bored when hiding from the fan brawl, handing in the results to the AnBBL Commish Council as an actual result. And you know the rules, once a match is reported by the referees there's no going back.. Hence the Kvaløya Krøshers is legally the winner of Season XII and dubbed "AnBBL Champions".

Season XII had its first match 2019.07.01 and playoffs ended 2019.11.09 - just short of 3 months after the North Conference Final and final game was played (2019.08.19).

Fritz von List summarizing the AnBBL Elite Season XII Fritz von List summarizing the twelfth AnBBL Elite Season.

AnBBL Champions
NC Champions
SC Champions
RookieOfTheYear XXI
Keffo Kup 18
Nellie's Golden Juggs
League Administrators

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