
Searched for oslo MVP-D and found 1 post

 Tournament MVPs
  Oslo MVP-Dthis rule overrides the Official Rules
Statute up for vote in the Oslo BBL Commish Council:

The Oslo MVP Defence goes to the player(s) with the highest combined SPP´s earned by Casualities, deflections and Interceptions.

1. Earning the Oslo MVP means the player(s) receives the skill "Fan Favourite".
2. Constant boosting of the honestly earned Oslo MVP barely make anyone raise their eyebrows, still an anonymous bounty of 25.000gp is some how raised and put on the the player(s) recieving this backwater MVP award.

This award is awarded in Oslo BBL. All players within the season or tournament is eligble, dead or alive.

No extra SPP's are awarded for this MVP.

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RookieOfTheYear XXI
Keffo Kup 18
Nellie's Golden Juggs
Oslo BBL Champion
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