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 Tournament Structure
  Semi Pro Seasons: Aprils FOULthis rule overrides the Official Rules updated 4. March
Though otherwise mostly performing grim dark rituals, once a year the AnBBL Commish Council will sneakily gather with a more cheerful approach in their prayers to Nuffle..

Throughout the month of APRIL each and every year, the Prayers to Nuffle #13, FOULING FRENZY, is in effect for all SEMI PRO matches, during all drives, for both teams. Re-roll any Fouling Frenzy results on the Prayers to Nuffle table rolled as part of the underdog rule or as part of a cheering fans kick-off table result.

When: Between step 5 and step 6 of the pre-game sequenze
How: In the Edit Result page of the match, add Fouling Frenzy as Prayers to Nuffle for both teams to enable the "2 SPP FOUL" casualty options.

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