Lhutrax Mecko
Lhutrax Mecko Kroxigor, Lustria Ancients
Achievements: |
Interceptions: |
0 |
Deflections: |
0 |
Completions: |
0 |
Touchdowns: |
1 |
Casualties: |
9 |
MVP awards: |
1 |
Unspent SPP: |
11 |
(25) |
Fouls: |
0 |
Compl. seasons: |
0 |
| | |
MA |
ST |
AG |
PA |
AV |
6 |
5 |
5+ |
- |
10+ |
Loner (4+), Bone-Head, Mighty Blow (+1), Prehensile Tail, Thick Skull, Break Tackle, Guard, ?, Fan Favourite |
Retired during Semi Pro XII. MVP DEFENCE: Awarded the MVP Defence in Semi Pro XII. This summoned an addition of 100 000gp to his bounty, origins unknown (1 extra MVP).
Lhutrax isn`t a player that let to much though go to tactics and dicipline. But he has an unnatural lust for blocking the player with the ball, not so he can take the ball, just block him and watch as he goes for the ground, hard and pain full. This lust is so superior that he will push other defenders right to the ground and run for the ball bearer.