Match result

Semi Pro XI, March Brawl 3
Team badge
Bad Moonshine Brawlers

gate: 17 000
2 TD score 0
cas score
Team badge
Damned Stirlanders


profile Frikka Dopp Bounty (100000 gp)
Craze McOmplete
TD Scorers
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

profile Frikka Dopp Bounty (100000 gp)
Badly Hurt'ers

profile Frikka Dopp Bounty (100000 gp)
profile Zombie-Snarelock Bounty (30000 gp)

Craze McOmplete
Completions by
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

Hognus Benus
MVP awards to
profile Zombie-Snarelock Bounty (30000 gp)
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game
victim regenerated

profile Subgi Ant retired
-1 MA

victim healed by apoth
Result added March 31st, 2012

Match notes
Damned Stirlanders induce a Blood Weiser Babe.
Bad Moonshine Brawlers wins cointoss and kick in first half.

Through fantastic teamplay and great containment the Bad Moonshine Brawlers' defence stops all undead attempts for a first half touchdown, even steeling the ball and scoring a touchdown with Frikka Dopp!
Damned Stirlanders retaliate by a hard hitting game, Zombie-Snarelock almost recruiting Subgi Ant as a new zombie. It is with almost perfect certainity that the team apothecary removed the zombie poison from Subgi Ant's blood, though his movement will be forever impaired..

In second half Craze McOmplete makes a controlled run with the ball for a second touchdown. Meanwhile Frikka Dopp takes a break from scoring, focusing on the defensive game, making som futile attempts on hurting the undead as their most serious of wounds regenerate...

As a last minute highlight, Krell the wight is within reach of the endzone (yes, with the ball).
But his legs could not keep up with his pace. He tripped over only one square away, failing a GFI, as the match ended to the sound of the whistle.

A greenskin win.

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