Match result

Semi Pro IX, Hvitsten Hytte Pro
Team badge
Draconian Devils

gate: 28 000
2 TD score 0
cas score
Team badge
Lords of the Pit


profile Arnold Bounty (60000 gp) dead
Dært Weider dead
TD Scorers
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

profile Nemi Hall of Fame Bounty (100000 gp)
profile Nemi Hall of Fame Bounty (100000 gp)
Badly Hurt'ers
mercenary / fans / random event

Rook Hawkfist Bounty (70000 gp)
profile Arnold Bounty (60000 gp) dead
profile Nemi Hall of Fame Bounty (100000 gp)

profile Mathrengyl Bearwalker Bounty (100000 gp)
"Eddie" retired
Completions by
Mun Itch Bounty (40000 gp) dead
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

profile Miyagi
MVP awards to
Kre Gurbel
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game
profile Baxter Mittenz
Wer Bayer dead
-1 MA
victim regenerated
Result added August 18th, 2010

Match notes
After a fast roadtrip to Hvitsten, the "hytte game" could take place.
And what started out as very sunny, soon changed to nice weather.

Lords of the Pit induces "Hack Enslash" and one bribe. Then they choose to kick the ball and put Hack in the reserves box for the first half.

The half was all about elfs getting the ball, moving a bit upwards, being tackled, Ulfeki Gharn Namakh picking up the ball and then being pushed around before he looses it again.
The supreme strength of Lords of the Pit dosnt help them much and only Baxter Mittenz gets injured before Arnold scores in Draconian Devils 8'th turn.

Second last turn for Lords of the Pit was an offencive one and they got deep in Draconian Devils's half.
But a doubble push from one of the elf girls and some smart placing of other elfs made it as close to impossible to score as possible for Lords of the Pit

The half ends when Lords of the Pit failes some thing (Capshaw can fill in what it was since i cant remember)

Second half and Draconian Devils kicks the ball and Hack Enslash enters the pitch.
Capshaw lines up Hack for a blitz on Nemi, but a kickoff blitz turnes the tides around as Nemi makes him eat grass -stunned.

3 turns later Hack is still on the ground and Draconian Devils have picked up the ball.
A short advance up the field and 2 turns later Lords of the Pit got the ball once again - Hack still havent done anything.

With the ball changing owner every other turn it soon seems clear that Lords of the Pit wont be able to score, while Draconian Devils just waits for an opening to get their second.
This opening comes when Capshaw finaly choose to blitz with Hack... The chainsaw kicks back and he fails the re-roll - but no injury caused.

2-0 and 5-1 in cas is a result of "luck-in-the-bad luck" for Nozdormu and a armour solid as stone on the elfs. -it was rearly beaten.
Lords of the Pit's cas came from a push out to the spectators, but could easely have been avoided as Capshaw forgot to roll on the injury untill Noz reminded him :) The peacemaker here was that when it was a cas it was only a badly hurt.

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