Match result

Season III, Sponsor promotion match
Team badge
Lords of the Pit

gate: 23 000
2 TD score 0
cas score
Team badge
Ballistic Angels


Mun Itch Bounty (40000 gp) dead
Secon D. Bes dead
TD Scorers
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

Elit E. Guy dead
profile Baxter Mittenz
Moonshine retired
Elit E. Guy dead
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Havarth dead
profile Yargh Bounty (80000 gp)
profile Yargh Bounty (80000 gp)

profile Havarth dead
profile Yargh Bounty (80000 gp)

mercenary / fans / random event
profile Frirnskar dead

Clauster Bumm
Completions by
profile Busbyr Bounty (70000 gp)
profile Hrodgeir dead
profile Busbyr Bounty (70000 gp)
profile Busbyr Bounty (70000 gp)
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

Moonshine retired
MVP awards to
profile Frirnskar dead
Sustained Injuries

profile Roth Mann dead
Niggling Injury

Int R. Sep dead
profile Havarth dead
Result added June 10th, 2007

Match notes

Ballistic Angels recieved the starting kick off, and swiftly formed a cage that crushed almost any undead in its path. When Lords of the Pit recovered from the initial surprise they blitzed the ball carrier and snatched the ball. The ball was carried into the safety of Lords of the Pit's own part of the field. They managed to fend off the struggeling Angels and scored just before the halftime show commenced...


The second half was just as bloodfilled as the first. Roth Mann got pummeled several times, despite two regenerations he left the field with a niggling injury after a crushing blow from Yargh.
Lords of the Pit keep the fans begging for more, as Secon D. Bes danced just inches off the goal-line just waiting for the game-clock to run out of time.


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