Match result

Team badge

gate: 27 000
2 TD score 1
cas score
Team badge
Draconian Devils


Zplit Tounge Bounty (80000 gp) dead
Zplit Tounge Bounty (80000 gp) dead
TD Scorers
profile Nemi Hall of Fame Bounty (100000 gp)
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

Zplit Tounge Bounty (80000 gp) dead
Badly Hurt'ers

Meningitis Rex Bounty (40000 gp)
mercenary / fans / random event

profile Pikkatsju dead

Sneeze Bounty (20000 gp)

Completions by
profile Mathrengyl Bearwalker Bounty (100000 gp)
profile Pikkatsju dead
profile Mathrengyl Bearwalker Bounty (100000 gp)
profile Forest Gimp dead
profile Mathrengyl Bearwalker Bounty (100000 gp)
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

Kasuar Bones
MVP awards to
profile Vorgy Viggo Bounty (20000 gp) dead
Sustained Injuries

Szmal Pox
Miss Next Game
profile Arnold Bounty (60000 gp) dead
profile Huhurana dead
profile Harry Bait dead
Result added October 1st, 2009

Match notes
The coldblooded lizards faced of against the coldharted darkelves. Having three skinks missing from the previous match, the odds where almost even. Draconian devils drafted a Bloodweisser babe that had little to do during the match and failed miserably when put to the test.
Draconian devils won the toss and chose to recieve.
After alot of fumbling around midfield and the ball changing hands several times, the darkelves scored in their turn 7. During this time both teams lost a player.
The lizards tried for a oneturner but forgot their priorities and screwed up.

Second half started with a sure two-turn touchdown for Jungelfeber. The rest of the half was mildly chaotic, but Zplit Tounge saved the day by first sending of Nemi, and finally ending up with the ball and scoring. Actually it was BrekNek who was the intended scorer but a desperate blitz from the elves got through sending it down. The ball then bounced right into the arms of Zplit Tounge : )So in the end despite superior skills and agility Draconian devils will have to find something easier to prey on in their next match, while the lizards came out strenghtened on all accounts.

note from Nozdorumu:

Harry Bait did his job as a bait, tho for the wrong team and the wrong player. RIP Harry Bait

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