Match result

Season III, SC round 1
Team badge
Lords of the Pit

gate: 22 000
2 TD score 3
cas score
Team badge
Purple Bluebirds


Nargle Bounty (120000 gp) dead
Mun Itch Bounty (40000 gp) dead
TD Scorers
profile Baxter Mittens dead
profile Ivan Shureglove Bounty (50000 gp)
profile Ivan Shureglove Bounty (50000 gp)
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off
Badly Hurt'ers

Redbeard Bkorg

Elit E. Guy dead
Moonshine retired
Ruben Featherfist retired

Nargle Bounty (120000 gp) dead
Completions by
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

profile Gurgoile Bounty (160000 gp) dead
MVP awards to
Manly McRoekick retired
Sustained Injuries

profile Thrainnaught
Miss Next Game

Cruncher retired
Niggling Injury

Nargle Bounty (120000 gp) dead
profile Baxter Mittens dead
Result added May 20th, 2007

Match notes
Exiting moments from this game:
Purple Bluebirds wins coin toss and kicks in first half. Lords of the Pit is surprised by the rushing Bluebirds, and Baxter Mittens scores the games first TD.

Elit E. Guy inflicts a killing blow on Sven Normin, but the Purple Bluebirds coach decides to let the apothecary save him. A major mistake - read on.

Ruben Featherfist kills Nargle and claims the bounty.

2nd Half - turn 1: Helmut Knockson fouls Cruncher breaking his back for a Niggling injury forgetting that it was the previous half the fans got the referee. He is expelled for this behavior.

2nd Half - turn 2: Baxter Mittens drops a TD pass for the first time in a long time. What has happened to him, has he lost his nerves again? The headcoach never gets to peptalk this player, as he later in the 2nd half is killed by Moonshine. The Purple Bluebirds apothecary has no more drugs left, so Baxter Mittens slowly bleeds to death in agony. After declared and left for dead, the sneaky helpers of the Lords of the Pit coach brings the corpse over to the other sideline - and Baxter Mittens is restored to life as Baxter Mittenz.

A lot of TDs scored, keeping the score close, and the game exiting.

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