Match result

Season II, round 2
Team badge
Red Sons of Oldman

gate: 17 000
0 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Triple Pox Brigade

TD Scorers
profile Rabs Dawg Bounty (30000 gp)
profile Burt Badd
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

Per Otto Glemsk
Badly Hurt'ers

Verner Bredskuldra Bounty (20000 gp)

Thorgeir Forlang
Completions by
profile Smelli Furr dead
profile Smelli Furr dead
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
profile Smelli Furr dead
Deflections by

Nils Rotekopphuetullemongo
MVP awards to
profile Koff Pox Bounty (100000 gp)
Sustained Injuries
profile Smelli Furr dead
Result added March 28th, 2007

Match notes
Red Sons of Oldman meet stiff opposition in their debut match in AnBBL against Triple Pox Brigade.

The Triple Pox Brigade won the initial coin toss electing to kick and start in defence. But it wasn`t much of a defence to speak of since Triple Pox Brigade was set for offence all the way!
Blitzing the ball out of the hands of a lone Red Sons of Oldman player they managed an early score in turn 5, 1st half. Almost managing another score in turn 8 same half but Rabs Dawg stumbled as he tried to go for it into the endzone for a receive.

When Triple Pox Brigade started in offence it was a better prepared Red Sons of Oldman that meet them. Little did it matter since Triple Pox Brigade controlled most of the half even if a lot of their players where knocked out or badly hurt. The most controversial knockdown was when Verner Bredskuldra killed Smelli Furr with a bottle of soap water (you sneaky git!). A bounty on his head with the remaining gold from Triple Pox Brigade is the least he deserves.
Still even this setback couldn`t stop Burt Badd from scoring and sealing the deal as far as this game went.

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