Match result

Semi Pro XX, El Clásico
Team badge
The Crimson Tide

gate: 20 000
2 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Motbydelig Horde 1994


William De Lioncourt Bounty (30000 gp)
TD Scorers
Barag Galopp Bounty (100000 gp)

E. Poe
Foulers (no cas)
Grobi Drungul Bounty (20000 gp)
Grobi Drungul Bounty (20000 gp)
Sent off
Badly Hurt'ers
Duraz Lang
Duraz Lang
fans / random event

Barag Galopp Bounty (100000 gp)
Tharkesh Kladaz Bounty (20000 gp)
foul by Grobi Drungul Bounty (20000 gp)

Lillith, the Firstborn Bounty (100000 gp)
Completions by
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

MVP awards to
Barag Galopp Bounty (100000 gp)
Sustained Injuries

mercenary / star
Igor Vladowych II
Niggling Injury

victim regenerated
Lovecraft, the Everliving dead
Result added September 29th, 2024

Match notes
This was one weird match. First off with so many vampires in the crowd of fans, boths sides started out gazed. The Tide was noticeably rusty, and scored a bit too quickly. It seemed they might've benefited, but a failed 1+ dodge made the road too difficult to get there.
Speaking of 1+ rolls, Lioncourt could not seem to charm anyone. Failing four of five gazes.
At least he did get the first score.
Second half the Crimson deaders were down to four players on the field.
Some lucky push blitzes, and failed centaur gfi's kept their skill-less carrier on his feet. Which made for the weirdest touchdown of the year.
The coach wisely moved Bouroughs into the end zone, as the other thrall ran for the touchdown line. Definitely suspecting the usual tripwires. And true enough, there it was. The gfi failed, but with Bouroughs there to catch the bouncing ball, like a miracle it happened. And the touchdown was scored on the dwarves turn. Talk about chaos!

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