Match result

Semi Pro XX, Hamarcon
Team badge
Circus Carneardo

gate: 10 000
3 TD score 1
cas score
Team badge
Børstad Bladerunners


Flamme Rouge dead
Flamme Rouge dead
Ratfrid Faustian
TD Scorers

Foulers (no cas)
Remington dead
Heckler retired

Sent off
Remington dead
Badly Hurt'ers
fans / random event

Billie Tail

Idris Sharq
Completions by
Winchester retired
Chaz dead
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

Ilas Demonicus
MVP awards to
Winchester retired
Sustained Injuries
-1 PA
Winchester retired
victim healed by apoth
Result added September 6th, 2024

Match notes
The Blade Runner coach was quite sure of himself as opponents were assigned. Eager to bash up some lanky Kislevites. But alas, the agile fellows clad in yellow started off on a snowball og knockouts and casualties that rivaled any chaos team. In the entirety of first half, they used one single reroll, and only during maddening plays in turn 8. Stealing the ball twice, during that time.

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