Match result

Semi Pro XX, Day of the Undead
Team badge
Gore Grunge

gate: 16 000
2 TD score 1
cas score
Team badge
Furukollen Atrocities


Luma Sniid
TD Scorers
Torground Six'ezz

Hjalte Tautur
Dgem Glom
Foulers (no cas)
Torground Six'ezz
Dab Bler
Pho Ulemall
Statue of Slumberness
Stan Kel Bone
Sent off
Dab Bler
Badly Hurt'ers

profile Karkillian Goor
Hands McBloodskin
Completions by
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

MVP awards to
Dab Bler
Sustained Injuries
-1 MA
victim regenerated

-1 AG

victim healed by apoth
Result added October 26th, 2024

Match notes
Due to the slow speed of the undead zombie players and wiggly animation magic, this match had to be played across two full moons.

The first half was played under the September full moon. Furukollen Atrocities kicked it off, but the werewolves did not manage to retrieve the ball. Somehow Gore Grunge in stead made the only touchdown of the first half.

At the end of the first half, there was no time left of the full moon magic to continiue, hence the match was suspended with the following status:

Status Furukollen Atrocities, going into the second half:
2 extra halfling master chef rerolls
active players: #1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 11, 12, 15, 16
KO: #6
Sent Off: #10
Bribe used (to no effect)

Status Gore Grunge, going into the second half:
2 less RR due to halfling master chef
active players: #1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16
SI: ogre
apothecary used (to low effect), saving the Ogre from death
Goregrunge has a marginal lead, 1-0 over the Atrocities.

The second half was played around the full moon of October, results showing in the match report.

Both teams managed to score in second half, and when Gore Grunge ball retriever had a fall out with the officious ref there was a moment of hope for Furukollen Atrocities to retrieve the unprotected ball and tie the match in it’s last seconds - but alass, the chainpush strategies failed and if it had worked the pushed spectral blitzer would not been able to pick up the ball having no hands..

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