Match result

Team badge
The Crimson Tide

gate: 10 000
2 TD score 1
cas score
Halfling logo
no custom badge
Half Pint Heroes


Lillith, the Firstborn Bounty (100000 gp)
Vakasha Netherblade Bounty (100000 gp)
TD Scorers
Pippin Dunn
Foulers (no cas)
Hildigrim Oldfur
Alton oldbranch retired
Otho Lindenbrook
Hildigrim Oldfur
Samwise puffertoe
Sent off
Samwise puffertoe

Renfield Jr.
William De Lioncourt Bounty (30000 gp)
Badly Hurt'ers

Igor Vladowych II

Einar Tørrkvist
mercenary / star

William De Lioncourt Bounty (30000 gp)
Completions by
TTM Completions by
Einar Tørrkvist
Interceptions by
Deflections by

MVP awards to
Samwise puffertoe
Pippin Dunn
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game
Garret Trill

mercenary / star
M. Sandemo
Niggling Injury
Result added April 7th, 2024

Match notes
Vamps started this semi final as favorites for the win, maybe that's why so few showed up to view the match. But those that did not show missed a great chaotic mess of a match which saw both sides making horrid mistakes and failures. Tthe vampire vargheist clawed Morg into the KO box turn 1. Then Vakasha easily stole the ball after a few gazes. But next turn a failed dodge saw the ball thrown in 12 squares to the other side of the pitch. Far away from everyone. This resulted in a desperate run by both teams, and the halflings stole the ball.
Sadly they could not move it up far enough to be safe, and first half ended in a draw.
2nd half, the Hins flung a hotpot into the face of Lilith, took the ball, handed off, and tossed another fling down field to the first touchdown.
Third drive Lilith ran the ball up, seemingly certain to score, when she was turned into a frog. Thwarted yet again.
Another throw-in sent the ball near the Hin touchdown zone, where another brawl commenced. Vakasha eventually redeemed herself from failing to dodge away, by chainpushing a halfling off board via blitz and scored. Turn 8 2nd half.
During overtime, a very careful vampire coach moved slowly down field, sacrificing thralls left and right to every big guy left.
As such; The ball was kept safe, and the 2nd, winning touchdown was assured in round six.

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