Match result

Tomb Kings logo
no custom badge
Kemnerne fra Varall

gate: 10 000
3 TD score 0
cas score
Wood Elf logo
no custom badge
Green Rangers


Futen Amon Bounty (100000 gp)
mercenary / star
TD Scorers
Foulers (no cas)

mercenary / star
Sent off

Tut Ham-Fist
Badly Hurt'ers

mercenary / star
Ace Ancient dead
mercenary / star
fans / random event

fans / random event
Completions by
Lady Titania
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

Budget Undertaker
MVP awards to
Sustained Injuries

Ankh Mortis
Miss Next Game
-1 AG
Uzalkio Bounty (50000 gp)
Result added March 5th, 2023

Match notes
Nice weather today, as the teams clashed together at the house of culture. The Tomb Kings had rented some of their players out to Dr. Frönkelheim, which resulted in some strange modifications, including a Tomb Guardian with Rock Hard Skin, One with Horns, and a Blitzer with Two Heads.
The elves went for a quick attack, but passed the ball a moment too soon. The chainsaw wielding maniac cleared a path for a fine pillar defense, and the elven ball carrier tripped while dodging past the narrow corridor.
With more than one elf leaving the field every turn, either from chainsaws, failed dodges and attacker down results, there was little stopping the slow and steady Khemri countercharge.
In addition, the Tomb Kings managed a shallow kick, and caught the ball on a blitz with their furry friend, Chaney, in the second drive. This allowed for a 2-0 result at round 8.
Only six elves were left on the field after first half. Although a few came back from the sidelines for second half, they were still not at full strength.
A ton of horrible rolls made sure there were little opposition for the final drive, and although the elves managed to free the ball on a ballsy blitz. They fumbled their long pass reroll, which allowed a skeleton lineman to scoop up the ball, and walk in the final 3rd TD of the match.
One Tomb King seemed to have some complications from the good Doctors' additions, but Tut-Hamfist was very attached to his new Horns.

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