Match result

Season IV, NC Semi Final
Team badge
da Kruncha Bunch

gate: 80 000
2 TD score 4
cas score
after overtime
Team badge
Purple Bluebirds


profile Bashnak Bounty (50000 gp)
profile Nargit Bounty (40000 gp)
TD Scorers
Balldur Fetcher
profile Ivan Shureglove Bounty (50000 gp)
Balldur Fetcher
Fric Tion Glovert
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

profile Smigvom
profile Greebomb Bounty (20000 gp)
Badly Hurt'ers
Ruben Featherfist retired

profile Smigvom
mercenary / fans / random event

Helmut Knockson

profile Red Skullz Bounty (100000 gp)
profile Red Skullz Bounty (100000 gp)
profile Red Skullz Bounty (100000 gp)
profile Red Skullz Bounty (100000 gp)
Completions by
profile Jo 'Slippery' McGregor
profile Jo 'Slippery' McGregor
profile Jo 'Slippery' McGregor
profile Jo 'Slippery' McGregor
Eightball McClansman
profile Jo 'Slippery' McGregor
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

profile Greebomb Bounty (20000 gp)
MVP awards to
Reven Getod Arats dead
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game
profile Ivan Shureglove Bounty (50000 gp)
profile Gotnof Use

Fatsarg retired
-1 AV
This match went into overtime
Result added November 25th, 2007

Match notes
After the crowd has been warmed up by watching Hooves of Hashut - Myklagaard Hounddogs (Season IV, Semi Pro), it's time for this season's first Semi Final.

Holding the AnBBL Champions' Trophy Purple Bluebirds got the FAME with 44 000 spectators, while Red Skullz and his molesting crew drew a total of 36 000 eager orks to the stands. It's the most fans ever to attend an AnBBL game, making the peacekeepers hired for the match outnumbered severly.

da Kruncha Bunch wins the cointoss and want's the ball. Just when Purple Bluebirds is set up for the kick, a RIOT brakes loose. The referees lets it pass, with no effect to the game clock.

The Purple Bluebirds defence push hard, and their speed gets a few men deep to stop Red Skullz advancing the ball. They steel the ball after a few more turns, and Balldur Fetcher runs it in for the TD. 1-0. On the kick the crowd goes wild and invade the pitch, leaving a numerous players stunned. This lets Ivan Shureglove score the 2-0 TD. Then a gust of wind leaves the ball in the da Kruncha Bunch endzone on the next kick, and Givremoman Storeklore rush for it. He's happy to be just a couple steps from the endzone, when suddenly a lightning strikes from above, knocking him over. Lack of focus in the following turn cause a turnover, so da Kruncha Bunch' defence gets the ball away.

Beeing da Kruncha Bunch, quite a few Purple Bluebirds players are either KO'ed or injured at the start of second half, leaving them short handed for the kickoff return. Another RIOT brakes out, yet again the referees don't seem to bother. However, Eightball McClansman is less confused by the riot than his other teammembers, leading to him beeing the first one reacting to the referees whistle. He goes for the ball, but fails to pick it up. Now the ball is loose in an open area. da Kruncha Bunch exploits this and sets up a strong offencive cage, running the ball into the endzone by turn 6. Purple Bluebirds starts celebrating on the sidelines, there's no way they'll manage to score again. Wrong.. Another RIOT brakes out, and this time the clock is set back, it's enough for Nargit, and the 2-2 TD is scored sending this match into overtime.

Balldur Fetcher and Fric Tion Glovert pumps up the score to 4-2 for the Purple Bluebirds before the match is done, so there's not much more Red Skullz and his crew can to than knocking the living daylights out of some of the weakest Purple Bluebirds players. Luckily none is killed.

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