Match result

Season IV, Semi Pros
Team badge
Azgorh Ravens

gate: 25 000
1 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Triple Pox Brigade


Josef Steel
TD Scorers
profile Rabs Dawg Bounty (30000 gp)
profile Viril Pox
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Koff Pox Bounty (100000 gp)

Completions by
profile Rabs Dawg Bounty (30000 gp)
profile Burt Badd
profile Wy Mi retired
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
profile Viril Pox
Deflections by

MVP awards to
profile Viril Pox
Sustained Injuries
Result added October 14th, 2007

Match notes
Only 10.000 nurgle fans arrived arrived to the match, tired of the teams seemingly endless streak of losses. 15.000 undead fans arrived, and the weather was nice. Triple Pox Brigade won the coin toss, but cunningly(?) decided to kick.

Azgorh Ravens has no problem entering the nurglers half, and both a ghoul and a werewolf slips through. Then the nurglers understand the game is on they are lucky; Koff Pox badly hurts Joseph Zimmermann in the first block in their first turn, and marks the ghoul and the werewolf. In turn 2 Winston tries to dodge away, but falls, causing an early turn over. Now Rabs Dawg blitzes Josef Steel and K.O.s him. Big boss Big Poppa Pox K.O.s a zombie. Azgorh Ravens now lacks several players, and have no defenders at all, so Rabs Dawg can pick up the ball and score the first T.D. for the game in turn 3.

Azgorh Ravens receives again, but this time the nurgle response is to hug the ball carrier with Big Poppa Pox. The situation is critical for the undeads, but they manage to blitz Big Poppa Pox away. Their next step is to quick pass the ball further on to Zlatan The Hungry, but this fails. In turn 5 Rabs Dawg picks up the ball, makes a quick pass to Kurse Luk, who rushes for the End Zone. This time the defense of the Ravens are better; Abraham Chainbroke blitzes and knocks down Kurse Luk, and the ball is loose. Winston tries to pass, but Viril Pox on the LOS intercepts! He rushes towards Azgorh Ravens`s End Zone, whick onca again is almost empty, since they are so offensive at the moment. The rush takes 3 turns, ending the first half 2-0 for Triple Pox Brigade

In the second half Triple Pox Brigade receives, but fails to blitz through the improved defensive set up by Azgorh Ravens. Luckily for the nurglers also the counter offensive fails. In turn 2 Wy Mi tries a Long Bomb to Burt Badd, and strangely enough it succeeds. Moments later Burt Badd is tackled, and Azgorh Ravens has gained control of the ball. In turn 5 Josef Steel dodges past the last nurgle defender, reducing the score to 1-2.

Triple Pox Brigade now think they master the passing game, but Burt Badd fails a pass in turn 7, losing the ball once again to Azgorh Ravens. Richard makes a perfect pass to Abraham Chainbroke, but he fails to catch, and the game is over.

Hannibal Hector now has achieved his first victory ever with the Triple Pox Brigade, which prior to his take over had a perfect win record.

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