Match result

Season IV, Keffo promotion match
Team badge
Lords of the Pit

gate: 20 000
4 TD score 0
cas score
Team badge
da Sneaky Runtz


Clauster Bumm
Secon D. Bes dead
profile Gurgoile Bounty (160000 gp) dead
profile Gurgoile Bounty (160000 gp) dead
TD Scorers
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

profile Roth Mann dead
profile Baxter Mittenz
Badly Hurt'ers

Clauster Bumm
Secon D. Bes dead

profile Porksludge
Completions by
profile Iggipiggi Bounty (40000 gp) dead
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

Clauster Bumm
MVP awards to
profile Rockwimpygutt
Sustained Injuries
Niggling Injury
profile Filthclibmeg dead

profile Thrainnaught
-1 AV
-1 AG
profile Parjrock retired
Result added October 4th, 2007

Match notes
da Sneaky Runtz got fame +1.
Lords of the Pit won the dice off and decided to recieve the ball.

Lords of the Pit opened offensive and got a TD after 3 turns.
da Sneaky Runtz missed theire pickup and Lords of the Pit quickly picked it up and scored yet a TD in the 6 turn.

The second half the da Sneaky Runtz nuffeled alot and Lords of the Pit took advantage of it and scored two more TD's and scored 2 cas-fouls and 4 SP-cas.
"Its regretful that Thrainnaught got sacked early and got -1 AV but with the 6 cas on Lords of the Pit side i guess its ok" states Capshaw

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