Match result

Semi Pro XVII, søndagsball#2
Team badge
The Lab Rats

gate: 9 000
1 TD score 2
cas score
Team badge
Brainz n' waffles


Meep Meep
TD Scorers
Beowulf the Werewaffle
Spare Me

Rotta til Alt Ondt dead
Foulers (no cas)
E.A. Woe
Sent off
E.A. Woe
Badly Hurt'ers
foul by Drowned-in-sorrow

Completions by
Beowulf the Werewaffle
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

Rotten Johnny
MVP awards to
E.A. Woe
Sustained Injuries

Walter White dead
Result added October 27th, 2021

Match notes
The Skaven must have eaten too much warpstone, as their lousy play continued into the second match, today. They could not manage a single roll. They did move the ball forward rather chaotically. And after loosing the ball a few times, were in a position to score the td for their first drive. But the thrower could not get the ball where it was going.
In addition, the team mascot, Walter White, was gang-fouled to death by a bunch of brain-hungry zombies.
The following throw-in ended up far up the rats side, and made for an easy werewolf td.
A wraith tried to do the same, bit to a scrawny gutter, so the ref had enough and sent it off to the time-out booth. He figured he could not be seen as pro-rat, though, and sent off one of the scrimmage pests as well, (after showing how to give a proper beating) at the next kick-off.
The only time the rats managed to beat someone to the ground was during their OTT attempts, which did not help the matter.

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