Match result

Season IV, NC 3
Team badge
Ballistic Angels

gate: 18 000
1 TD score 3
cas score
Team badge
da Kruncha Bunch


profile Thjolldir Bounty (70000 gp)
TD Scorers
profile Smigvom
profile Nargit Bounty (40000 gp)
profile Greebomb Bounty (20000 gp)
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off
Badly Hurt'ers
profile Bashnak Bounty (50000 gp)
profile Smigvom
mercenary / fans / random event
profile Bashnak Bounty (50000 gp)

profile Yargh Bounty (80000 gp)
mercenary / fans / random event

Clobberdug Bounty (20000 gp)
profile Smigvom
mercenary / fans / random event

profile Thjolldir Bounty (70000 gp)
profile Busbyr Bounty (70000 gp)
Completions by
profile Stikgrut
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

Snoldar Bounty (20000 gp)
MVP awards to
profile Stikgrut
Sustained Injuries

profile Hrolf Hall of Fame Bounty (320000 gp)
Snoldar Bounty (20000 gp)
Miss Next Game
Fatsarg retired

profile Busbyr Bounty (70000 gp)
Niggling Injury
profile Scabbywee Bounty (20000 gp)

Njord Bounty (30000 gp) dead
-1 MA
Result added September 22nd, 2007

Match notes
This game was a total carnage.
First blood was already on da Kruncha Bunch's blitz at the initial kick off, resulting in Thorhall leaving the field even before the first drive...

Despite of the charging orcs Thjolldir scores an early TD, taking advantage off the gaps left by the blitzing da Kruncha Bunch.

About halfway in the first half Thjolldir blitzes the ball-carrying Bunkle and recovers the loose ball, leaving himself as a sitting duck for the blood-hungry Clobbersmell who gladly grabs the chance to clobber Thjolldir. da Kruncha Bunch evens the score.

RIOT! The BA-hooligans are raged by the poor Ballistic Angels defence and starts fighting.

Alfarinn screws up and fails the lead-block fro Busbyr, taking away his chance to make an easy pass and the following TD.
After a lot of fumbles Smigvom recovers the loose ball and hands it off to Hurtottle who rushes to Nargit's lead-block, positioning himself in an open lane to the EZ. 2-1 to da Kruncha Bunch.

After halftime Ballistic Angels fails to field more than five(!) players. da Kruncha Bunch keeps on blitzing and suddenly fielded BA-players are reduced to zero...
Nargit does the happy-dance, firing up the crowd, as he slides into the endzone to score the easiest TD in AnBBL history.

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