Oslo BBL Info

Oslo Blood Bowl

Oslo Blood Bowl League is a league for coaches that are able to play matches in Oslo. Oslo BBL will be using Tourplay for future seasons. This here page will keep track of some of the important links and info.

Social Media and Coach Interaction:

OsloBBL Facebook GroupDiscord Server

Facebook and messenger are used for official messages and social networking.
Keffo Krumpany Discord server was used during s4, hence might be of interest for historical purposes.
Access the Team Norway discord server to find the Oslo BB League channel for season 5 onwards.

Oslo BBL Trophy:

Proxy vandrepokalVandrepokal

The Oslo BBL walking trophy is a golden cup topped with a Tigers head, aptly named TIGERPOKALEN (The Tiger Trophy) as Oslo is nick named Tigerstaden (The Tiger City), that is given to the Oslo BBL Overall Champion each season. The makabre ways of giving the Tiger Bowl winner a tiger cub's poorly stuffed head has been replaced by awarding the winner a statue cast in pure gold.

Oslo Blood Bowl
Oslo BBL is not an AnBBL tournament, but run under it's own management. The AnBBL pages was merely used as a means to commish Season 4, and for tracking season 3 statistics.

AnBBL Champions
RookieOfTheYear XXI
Keffo Kup 18
Nellie's Golden Juggs
League Administrators

Latest matches:
Some names and images are ® reg. trademarks of Games Workshop    |    code based on Aros Blood Bowl League