Matches with SPP earned by

Vilje Sigmundsson

Norse Berserker,
Slick Defenders
Interceptions: 0
Deflections: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 2
Casualties: 9  (3 were kills!)
MVP awards: 3
Unspent SPP: -14 (36)
Fouls: 0
Compl. seasons: 1
Sustained Injuries: -AV


Semi Pro XVIII Opponent TD
cas score
gate intdeflcompTDcasmvp
Fredagsaction Slaves of Succubus 1 - 2 0 - 3  (0-0) 30 000 000100
Semi Pro XI Opponent TD
cas score
gate intdeflcompTDcasmvp
Opplæring Hildr's Sodomizers 0 - 1 2 - 3  (1-1) 22 000 000010
Season X Opponent TD
cas score
gate intdeflcompTDcasmvp
SC 6 Morgheim Man Manglers 2 - 0 5 - 0  (0-0) 24 000 000110
Semi Pro IX Opponent TD
cas score
gate intdeflcompTDcasmvp
Semi Gay Cloaken Runbutters 1 - 4 3 - 3  (0-0) 31 000 000001
Semi Mori Hoth 2 - 1 5 - 1  (2-1) 27 000 000021
Off-Season Opponent TD
cas score
gate intdeflcompTDcasmvp
Men vs Woman Public Man Slaughter 1 - 0 1 - 1  (0-0) 17 000 000010
Season VII Opponent TD
cas score
gate intdeflcompTDcasmvp
Semi Pro Cloaken Runbutters 2 - 3 4 - 3  (1-0) 23 000 000010
Semi Pro Flush Gurdles 2 - 0 4 - 0  (1-0) 18 000 000020
Semi Pro Gore Grunge 1 - 2 3 - 2  (2-1) 17 000 000011

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AnBBL Champions
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RookieOfTheYear XXI
Keffo Kup 18
Nellie's Golden Juggs
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