!! TRAVELING TROPHIES !! The AnBBL Champions' Trophy![AnBBL CT anno 2009](http://anarchy.bloodbowlleague.com/files/trofe-anbblchampionstrophyanno2009.gif)
Benefit: Extra RR when present, see rules section for more details
Current Holder:
Nemi's FanclubThe NC Champions' Trophy![NC Champions' Trophy](http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i230/andjohnsen/AnBBL%20Trophies/NCChampionsTrophyPIP1.gif)
Benefit: +2 FF when present, see rules section for more details
Current Holder:
Lustria AncientsThe SC Champions' Trophy![SC Champions' Trophy](http://i73.photobucket.com/albums/i230/andjohnsen/AnBBL%20Trophies/IMG_0756.jpg)
Benefit: +2 FF when present, see rules section for more details
Current Holder:
Nemi's Fanclubda Golden Keffo Orc![da Golde Keffo Ork](http://anarchy.bloodbowlleague.com/files/trofe-dakeffokuptrophy.jpg)
Benefit: +2 FF when present, see rules section for more details
Current Holder:
Flush GurdlesThe Dungeonbowl Trophy![Vandrepremie Dungeonbowl](http://anarchy.bloodbowlleague.com/files/trofe-dungeonbowlvandrepokal.gif)
Benefit: +2 FF when present, see rules section for more details
Current Holder:
Horrid SkinEatersThe Dungeonbowl Wizard![Vandrepremie Dungeonbowl](http://anarchy.bloodbowlleague.com/files/trofe-dbwizardvandrepris.gif)
Benefit: Holder may induce a "fireball only" wizard at 50k instead of normal wizard at 150k
Current Holder:
Horrid SkinEaters !! ONE TIME ONLY PRIZES !! Morg N' Thorg in his AnBBL Suit![Morg](http://anarchy.bloodbowlleague.com/files/trofe-morgnthorg-dungeonbowlikeepersprize.gif)
Benefit: A decent model to represent the starplayer Morg N' Thorg, if you ever induce him.
Holder: Won by Capshaw with Horrid Skineaters in AnBBL Dungeonbowl I