Nedre Vang Bogeymen

Race:  Necromantic Horror
Coach:  Nikerym

Nedre Vang Bogeymen team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
June 3rd, 2024 - old news
Devestating loss for the Bogeymen
Nedre Vang Bogeymen - Rena Redsquigs (Semi Pro XX, Hjemmekamp)

The game kicked off with Bogeymen on the receiving end. The offence crept forward with the possibility of a touchdown at the flank. However, Nuffle did not approve of this plan and failing a 1/9 handoff the ball bounced in one of two squares the sqigs could pick it up. A series of jumps and dodges past the defense and the squigs where out of reach for the undead. 0-1 to the redsquigs.

- half time -

Squigs receiving this time and got an extra reroll of the kickoff event. Fast offence blitzing down the flank, only to be met by hungry wolves who kept surfing players to the ruthless crowd. A poor lineman of the Squigteam go killed in the intense battles, only to be forever undead as a new player on the Necromantic team. The ballcarrier got sufred only 3 squares from the goal. However once again Nuffle wanted the squigs to keep the ball in their possession, so the ball ended up at the endzone, requiring the 1/3 for direction and 1/36 for distance. The maked Squig in position managed to dodge, and pick up the ball for a touchdown 0-2

Going into the 4th round on the second drive the Bogeymen their backs against the wall but having taken out all but 6 players it should be doable. However, kickoff event landed on a “Time-Out” reducing the drive by one round. The ghoul managed to pick up the ball with a reroll, and hand it off with a reroll, the wolf ran the ball in in to turns. 1 - 2
Going into endgame of the game the ball on the endzone, kickoff event was Quicksnap allowing 6 squigs to position better. The undead rushed as far as they could but beeing out of reroll at this point, they did not dare to put their faith in nuffle to roll any rushes. The Squigs followed up putting all their men back, caging the ball. In the Bogymens final round Star Player Wilhelm went for a blitz hoping to get a dodge into the cage and rush for push on the ball. The attack succeeded and the ball bounced out of bounds. Everything seemed great when the ball landed next to an unactivated wolf, however a 3/8 decided that the ball should bounce out of bounds again, this time landed in the middle of the board. Having only Wraits with no-hands next to it, the bogeymen tried a desperate maneuver to get the ball over the finish line. It would require a 3+ puck up into 2x rushes into a 3+ handover. However, the ghoul did not even manage to pick up the ball. While I don’t really know how it happened Squigs got the last round of the game which the coach used to hunt for wolves and managed to inflict a niggling injury with a foul.
1 – 2 END.
- Nikerym
May 24th, 2024 - old news
Ny Spiller - Peder Dohn
Etter en spennende kamp mot Rena Redsquigs fikk Nedre Vang endelig spikket og spart til en ny spiller. Peder Dohn, tar over drakten til avdødde Michael Andreas og skal sørge for litt mer slagkraft på linja.

I tillegg fikk laget en kicker via random skill, så nå blir det vår alles Pål Magnus som får stå for avsparkene.

Kampens Rena Redsquigs - Nedre Vang Bogeymen (Semi Pro XX, Hjemme kamp) store helt, 2 måls scorer og MVP, Niels Oluf, ble belønnet med Block, får se om han lever lenge nok til å få Dodge i tillegg.
- Nikerym
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