Finnskogen Soppsmakarlag

Race:  Savage Orcs
Coach:  ColdNChilly

Finnskogen Soppsmakarlag team badge
Bulletin board from the coach
May 23rd, 2024 - old news
Going green!
Hailing from Finnskogen, one of the most troll infested places in the country, it's quite amazing that these greenskins haven't managed to recruit one yet.

But if you've been watching them play, the explanation becomes clear. Their joy for brawling is only topped by their extreme lack of skill in the area, and seeing how this focus also make them leave the ball on the grass, it's not looking any better for the forseeable future.

No touchdowns, no coin.

We tried asking for a comment on the situation, and the majority of answers seems to indicate that they aren't quite aware that they're playing a game with actual rules.

We did however get a quote from Bole Ivar, the most prominent member of the team:

"Coin not inportant. Teef inportant. I see teef, I take teef. U' 'ave good teef?"
- ColdNChilly
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