Chewalier Bleu

Chewalier Bleu
Squig Hopper,
Rena Redsquigs

   Draft List number: 4  

Value: 120,000 gp

Interceptions: 0
Deflections: 0
Completions: 0
Touchdowns: 0
Casualties: 0
MVP awards: 2
Unspent SPP: 2 (8)
Fouls: 0
Compl. seasons: 0





6 4 3+ - 9+ Pogo Stick, Very Long Legs, Claw, Animal Savagery, Dodge

Sustained Injuries: none

Plays for Rena Redsquigs with number 4.

In the shadowy corners of the same forest that spawned the mighty El Cid, where mushrooms whispered Nuffles dark secrets, Chewalier Bleu emerged. The little brother of a then up and coming squig hopper El Cid, his life path was carved in the gutt-plate in his family home.

A gift from his big brother, Chewalier Bleu was strapped to his trusty one-eyed squig, Cobalt Cutthroat. Cobalt Cutthroat’s hobbies? Biting ankles, stealing helmets, and glaring menacingly. Together, they’re the chaos incarnate—the squig-and-rider duo that leaves opponents bewildered and referees questioning their life choices.

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