Match result

Semi Pro XVIV, søndagsball
Tomb Kings logo
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Kemnerne fra Varall

gate: 12 000
1 TD score 2
cas score
Elven Union logo
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Hamar Vest Proalf Union


TD Scorers
Kellam Proalf
Hagas Waesbalar
Foulers (no cas)
Sent off

Futen Amon Bounty (100000 gp)
Badly Hurt'ers
Jaonos Keyquinal dead

Futen Amon Bounty (100000 gp)
Futen Amon Bounty (100000 gp)
Epic Mortality
Tut Ham-Fist
fans / random event
fans / random event

Budget Undertaker
Darunia Mordwyn
Completions by
Kellam Proalf
TTM Completions by
Interceptions by
Deflections by

MVP awards to
Moran Sprint
Sustained Injuries
Miss Next Game
Elmer Yesdithas
Moran Sprint
Naeryn Domrian
-1 AV
Coras Gilneiros retired
-1 PA
Ardreth Morfaren

Ace Ancient dead
Jaonos Keyquinal dead
Result added April 16th, 2023

Match notes
Four 1's in a row for the elves made for a hard start of today's match. But it did not prevent them from scoring their first TD fairly quickly. The Khemri was hopeful with 5 turns to go, but a pitch invasion put the plans to a quick grave. Speaking of graves, the elves killed the Khemri super Skeleton, Ace Ancient. Who had randomly gained the best skill at every level.
This sparked a killing spree, which caused only two single elves to be left for the final drive. With two elves on the line of scrimmage, the Khemri coach made a shallow kick, hoping to catch the ball and win the match. Sadly, the elves were not possible to ground, and in the end, they still managed to pass, run, and score. For a 2-1 victory.

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